15th Edition of FICCI HEAL with the theme Transforming Healthcare beyond COVID
Posted on: September 30, 2021 | Back | Print
Embassy of India
Press Release
Embassy of India, Manila is pleased to announce that the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) is organizing the 15th Edition of FICCI HEAL with the theme “Transforming Healthcare beyond COVID” on Virtual Platform from 20-22 October, 2021.
The FICCI HEAL conference is an endeavor to converge all healthcare stakeholders and provide a forum for sharing of learnings and experiences as well as deliberate on the opportunities for transforming our healthcare systems beyond COVID. The conference is expected to have the participation of CEOs, policy makers, national and international leaders from healthcare and allied industries.
The Embassy wishes to invite interested businesses/companies in Healthcare sector in the Philippines to participate in this virtual event.
Special Features of the event comprise keynote addresses by eminent Indian and International Leaders; Sessions covering the entire spectrum of healthcare delivery-public health, capacity building, insurance, digital health, diagnostics, medical technologies, home healthcare as well as vaccines; Felicitating organizations and individuals for their contributions for improving healthcare and dedicated area for exhibiting products and services by key participating organizations.
The complete details of registration of virtual conference can be seen at https://ficci.in/registration/invitee-form.asp?evid=25692
For further information Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) may be contacted at +91 9871064408/ +91 9871665099 /+91 8368004375 and email: healthservices@ficci.com / sudhanshu.gupta@ficci.com