Congratulations to Eljane Nian C. Piano of the Philippines for winning the Indian Council For Cultural Relations' (ICCR) "Art in the Time of CORONA: United against Corona- Express through Art" global art competition under Cartoons & Illustrations for Amateurs - Foreign Category for the entry The Unique Fight of Warriors Against The Decreasing Human Exixtence"
Posted on: June 08, 2020 | Back | PrintCongratulations to Eljane Nian C. Piano of the Philippines for winning the Indian Council For Cultural Relations' (ICCR) "Art in the Time of CORONA: United against Corona- Express through Art" global art competition under Cartoons & Illustrations for Amateurs - Foreign Category for the entry “The Unique Fight of Warriors Against The Decreasing Human Exixtence"
More than 8,000 artworks were submitted for “International Art Competition – United Against Corona- Express through Art” from around the world. The global art competition encouraged the submissions of artistic expressions to present their emotions, feelings, ideas and innovative thoughts on the COVID-19, social distancing, quarantine and the fight against the virus through various media.