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The 7th India Business Forum (IBF) meeting was held on 09 May 2019

Posted on: May 14, 2019 | Back | Print

"The 7th India Business Forum (IBF) meeting was held on 09 May 2019 at Annapoorna Restaurant, Manduluyong, Metro Manila. Mr Pushkar Mishra presided over the meeting. Ambassador of India Jaideep Mazumdar updated the members of the latest developments in India-Philippines bilateral relations since the last meeting and introduced Ambassador (Designate) of Philippines to India Ramon Bagatsing Jr. There were 3 well researched presentations on (i) BPO Sector by Aseem Roy, AVP, Wipro Ltd, (ii) Pharma by Manoj Sihag, Country Manager, Hetero Phil Inc and (iii) Manufacturing Industry by Shanti Sipani, Country Head, Indo-Phil Group.

There followed an interactive session with Ambassador Bagatsing who was accompanied by the Honorary Consul of Philippines in Mumbai Mr. R. Swaminathan. Ambassador Bagatsing assured members of addressing all the issues pertaining to visas and also to extend all possible support to take the business relationship between India & Philippines to the next level. The officers & members of IBF wished him a very successful stint as Ambassador of Philippines to India. About 30 members were present."