
Resources on Indian Culture 

Directory of Indian Restaurants in the Philippines: Mission launched a compendium of Indian restaurants in the Philippines filled with fun facts and trivia about the Indian Cuisine and its influence on Filipino food.

This directory is available at: (Download Here)

Compendium of Useful Resources:  Mission launched a compendium of useful resources about the introduction to yoga, yoga therapy and yogic practices on 21 June 2024. The book has been compiled and produced by the Embassy in celebration of International Day of Yoga.

The book is available at: Download Here

Indian Folk Songs : In celebration of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and the India-Philippines ties, the Embassy of India in Manila in collaboration with Philippine National Commission for Culture of the Arts, produced four (4) selected Indian folk songs with the signature chorale rendition by the Philippine Madrigal Singers.


Yoga  :  Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) is a standardized yoga protocol released by Ministry of AYUSH, India for International Yoga Day that includes all aspects of yoga i.e. asanas, pranayama and meditation. It was designed in consultation with yoga experts for adoption by all age groups for the health of community.

The CYP is available at :

Jataka Tales : "Kuwentong Jatataka" a podcast series produced by the Embassy in partnership with Areté Ateneo. The series comprises of 12 short and engaging stories from the Jataka Tales in podcast format in the Filipino language.